Tag Archives: B-Girl

New Post New site

I had to reinstall word press my password wasn’t working and I wasn’t getting emails from my request password request either way it was easier to start over since i only had one post created and now that I’m back up and running I’m back on my way to learning how to design my own . . . i may just start on my next piece of artwork and keep you all posted . . . after all this site is more about what i’m doing or what i plan on doing vs having an actual site that will look nice . . . blah blah blah . . . my thought is that if i post my ideas via the web it will keep pressure on me to finish my work and in the meanwhile i can get feedback on what you do and don’t like – i enjoy feedback . . . at times.

1st Idea – B-Girl head phones braids, not 100% on colors yet

b-girl sketch