Category Archives: Status

2016 Sketchs – #2016001





While working I enjoy listening to long mixes of good music on YouTube. One of my favorites lately has been the Boiler Room series where DJ’s or music groups will play for a live audience. DJ Jazzy Jeff, ?uestLove, and Pete Rock have all done sets at the Boiler Room and I would recommend any of the above including Nightmeres on Wax and Sarah Farina. While listening to Boiler Room London Bonobo’s live set at Alexandra Palace played something prompted me to watch the video as i looked a singer named Szjerdene was taking her place on stage. I found her look and dancing moving and searched for more photos of her and found a interesting photo. Her face is calm relaxed almost regal while her body is in a much more actively subversive position as if the body was in position to strike. The subversive power of her body seems to have been lost in translation maybe the change of facial expression made the difference.

all the best,